temp = "Thanks for trying this demo version of Last Call. You can purchase the full version from our web site at http://www.lastcallgame.com or you can" & RETURN
temp = temp & randomFromList(["burn in hell.", "be a cheapskate.", "join a 12-step program.", "eat my shorts.", "wonder what Cynthia looks like naked.", "shoplift it from your local computer store.", "spend all your time downloading really bad MP3 recordings.", "send your cash donation to Save the Programmers.", "drink beer the rest of your life.", "never have the opportunity to serve up a screaming orgasm.", "face our wrath.", "hurt our feelings.", "vote for a return to Prohibition.", "miss out on a whole lotta fun.", "write your own bartending sim.", "lead a bleak and colorless existence.", "scrounge around for a lingerie catalog to occupy yourself.", "make the world safe for democracy.", "be a pathetic sack of protoplasm.", "be a poser.", "be a worm.", "give your money to some undeserving charity.", "spend your money on games that suck.", "study for exams.", "tweeze your nose hairs.", "just sit there staring into space, the final frontier.", "visualize world peace.", "contemplate the pleasures of tofu.", "break our hearts.", "spend your money on cheap liquor and cheaper women."])
temp = randomFromList(["Don't Drink and Drive.", "Drink Responsibly.", "Designate a Driver.", "Man Can Not Live By Bread Alone.", "Same Time Tomorrow Night?", "Last Call: The Ultimate Bartending Sim", "How Different Wisdom Tastes." & RETURN & "- John Cutler"])